Saturday, July 1, 2023

Odd Fellows Friendship Lodge #50 Reorganized and Reenergized

On July 1, 2023, Odd Fellows Friendship Lodge, located in Northfield, seized the opportunity to reorganize and reenergize.

Four new members, who had just completed their degrees in March 2023, transferred their membership and were welcomed to Friendship Lodge where they were given the opportunity to take an active role in promoting the principles of friendship, love, truth, hope, charity and universal justice. 

Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, Rick Benesh, along with Deputy Grand Master Patty Marzinski, were present as well as a hand full of knowable Brothers to provide kind words, encouragement and support. 

The election of Officers was conducted resulting in a new slate of Officers for 2023-2024 who were then installed in their offices. 

Noble Grand           Gary Thomas
Vice Grand              Tom Hendrickson
Secretary                 Jeanne Reynolds
Treasurer                 Larry Carlson
Warden                    Clay Gunderson
Chaplin                   William ( Bill) Alitz
Conductor               Nick (Two Chains) Johnson
Inside Guardian      Nick Johnson

The new members had been busy prior to today and announced that they had recruited two new candidates who desired to join. Their applications for membership were read and they will be invited to the August meeting to get to know everyone a little better before a date is set for voting and degree work. 

After the meeting we all went to a local restaurant for a hearty meal, and wonderful conversations with plans for future projects to start in just the next few weeks. This group is on the move! 

All future meetings will take place on the second Saturday of each month. The next meeting will be on August 12, 2023, at 10:00 AM with social time and lunch to follow. 

We are the Odd Fellows...Friendship, Love and Truth


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